Prayer Warrior / Prayer JournalOne of our main purposes in life is to pray for others. The prayer warrior app will help you do just that. No more jotting down a request, only to realize that you've misplaced that piece of paper. No more notebooks stacked full of requests. The Prayer Warrior / Prayer Journal app is designed to store all your prayer requests in one place, on your android powered device. Each request is saved according to the most recent date. You also have the ability to mark a prayer request answered as it happens. Prayer mode gives the option to scroll through your requests, making it easier to remember what to pray for. The Prayer Warrior / Prayer Journal app also gives you the option to password lock your app, for confidentiality purposes.
The Prayer Warrior / Prayer Journal app is simple to use. Open the app to first be given a daily verse of scripture to remind you to pray.
To add a request, press the plus button on the top left of the screen. Give your request a title, and continue on to add the request under the notes section. Don't forget to press the save button.
To share a request, long press the request. A menu will appear. Select Share Prayer. Another menu will display your individual options how to share.
To move your request to the answered section, long press the request, and select Move to Answered. Your request will then show under the Answered section.
To edit a prayer request, long press the request and choose Edit. The request will then be opened to edit. Make your desired changes, and save.
Basic support has been added for the Pebble Smart Watch.